(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/1/2 浏览:2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import tkinter as tk # 使用Tkinter前需要先导入 import tkinter.messagebox import pickle import random import time # 第1步,实例化object,建立窗口window window = tk.Tk() # 第2步,给窗口的可视化起名字 window.title('Greedy snake') # 第3步,设定窗口的大小(长 * 宽) # window.geometry('1004x504') # 这里的乘是小x # 第5步,创建一个主frame,长在主window窗口上 frame = tk.Frame(window, bg = 'blue', bd = 2, relief = tk.FLAT) frame.pack(side = 'left') #当前框架被选中,意思是键盘触发,只对这个框架有效 frame.focus_set() Labellist = [] #存放所有方块的label Blocklist = [] #存放背景方块的值 1:被占用 0:空闲 Snakelist = [] #存放snake的坐标 height = 15 width = 20 #snack前进方向 left = 0 right = 1 up = 2 down =3 pause = 0 start = 1 class App(tk.Frame): def __init__(self,master): self.window = master tk.Frame.__init__(self) master.bind('<Up>',self.Up) master.bind('<Left>',self.Left) master.bind('<Right>',self.Right) master.bind('<Down>',self.Down) master.bind('<p>',self.Pause) master.bind('<s>',self.Start) master.bind('<r>',self.Restart) self.Init_snake() #初始化界面方法 self.time = 1000 self.Onetime() def Up(self, event): if self.Istart: self.direction = up def Down(self, event): if self.Istart: self.direction = down def Left(self, event): if self.Istart: self.direction = left def Right(self, event): if self.Istart: self.direction = right def Init_snake(self): del Labellist[:] del Blocklist[:] del Snakelist[:] #初始化背景方块 LabelRowList = [] BlockRowlist = [] c = r = 0 for k in range(width*height): LN=tk.Label(frame,text = ' ', bg = 'black', fg = 'white', relief = tk.FLAT, bd = 4) LN.grid(row=r,column=c,sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W) LabelRowList.append(LN) BlockRowlist.append(0) c=c+1 if c>=20: r=r+1 c=0 Labellist.append(LabelRowList) Blocklist.append(BlockRowlist) LabelRowList = [] BlockRowlist = [] #初始化snake self.Istart = 0 self.direction = left self.direction_last = left self.overflag = 0 #snake head的初始位置 self.x = 7 self.y = 8 #snake tail的初始位置 self.x_tail = 7 self.y_tail = 10 Snakelist.append((7,8)) Snakelist.append((7,9)) Snakelist.append((7,10)) self.snakelen = len(Snakelist) Blocklist[self.x][self.y] = 1 Blocklist[self.x][self.y+1] = 1 Blocklist[self.x][self.y+2] = 1 Labellist[self.x][self.y].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[self.x][self.y+1].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[self.x][self.y+2].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) #初始化food self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) while Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] == 1: self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] = 1 Labellist[self.food_x][self.food_y].config(bg = 'red', relief = tk.RIDGE) def Pause(self, event): self.Istart = pause def Start(self, event): self.Istart = start def Restart(self, event): self.Init_snake() def Onetime(self): #每1000ms做一次界面刷新 if self.Istart and self.overflag == 0: if (self.direction_last == down and self.direction == up )or(self.direction_last == up and self.direction == down )or(self.direction_last ==left and self.direction == right )or(self.direction_last ==right and self.direction == left ): self.direction = self.direction_last self.direction_last = self.direction x0 = self.x y0 = self.y if self.direction == left: if x0 == self.food_x and y0-1 == self.food_y: Labellist[x0][y0-1].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) while Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] == 1: self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] = 1 Labellist[self.food_x][self.food_y].config(bg = 'red', relief = tk.RIDGE) self.snakelen += 1 Snakelist.insert(0,(x0,y0-1)) self.x = x0 self.y = y0 - 1 elif (x0>=0 and x0<height and y0-1>=0 and y0-1<width and Blocklist[x0][y0-1] == 0) or (self.x_tail == x0 and self.y_tail == y0 - 1): Blocklist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail] = 0 Labellist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail].config(bg = 'black', relief = tk.FLAT) Blocklist[x0][y0-1] = 1 Labellist[x0][y0-1].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) del Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1] Snakelist.insert(0,(x0,y0-1)) self.x = x0 self.y = y0 - 1 self.x_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][0] self.y_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][1] else: tk.messagebox.showinfo(title = 'snake', message = 'game over!!!') self.overflag = 1 elif self.direction == up: if x0-1 == self.food_x and y0 == self.food_y: Labellist[x0-1][y0].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) while Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] == 1: self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] = 1 Labellist[self.food_x][self.food_y].config(bg = 'red', relief = tk.RIDGE) self.snakelen += 1 Snakelist.insert(0,(x0-1,y0)) self.x = x0 - 1 self.y = y0 elif (x0-1 >=0 and x0-1<height and y0>=0 and y0<width and Blocklist[x0-1][y0] == 0) or (self.x_tail == x0-1 and self.y_tail == y0): Blocklist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail] = 0 Labellist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail].config(bg = 'black', relief = tk.FLAT) Blocklist[x0-1][y0] = 1 Labellist[x0-1][y0].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) del Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1] Snakelist.insert(0,(x0 - 1,y0)) self.x = x0 - 1 self.y = y0 self.x_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][0] self.y_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][1] else: tk.messagebox.showinfo(title = 'snake', message = 'game over!!!') self.overflag = 1 elif self.direction == down: if x0+1 == self.food_x and y0 == self.food_y: Labellist[x0+1][y0].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) while Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] == 1: self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] = 1 Labellist[self.food_x][self.food_y].config(bg = 'red', relief = tk.RIDGE) self.snakelen += 1 Snakelist.insert(0,(x0+1,y0)) self.x = x0 + 1 self.y = y0 elif (x0+1 >=0 and x0+1 <height and y0>=0 and y0<width and Blocklist[x0+1][y0] == 0) or (self.x_tail == x0+1 and self.y_tail == y0): Blocklist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail] = 0 Labellist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail].config(bg = 'black', relief = tk.FLAT) Blocklist[x0+1][y0] = 1 Labellist[x0+1][y0].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) del Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1] Snakelist.insert(0,(x0 + 1,y0)) self.x = x0 + 1 self.y = y0 self.x_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][0] self.y_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][1] else: tk.messagebox.showinfo(title = 'snake', message = 'game over!!!') self.overflag = 1 elif self.direction == right: if x0 == self.food_x and y0+1 == self.food_y: Labellist[x0][y0+1].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) while Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] == 1: self.food_x = random.randint(0,14) self.food_y = random.randint(0,19) Blocklist[self.food_x][self.food_y] = 1 Labellist[self.food_x][self.food_y].config(bg = 'red', relief = tk.RIDGE) self.snakelen += 1 Snakelist.insert(0,(x0,y0 + 1)) self.x = x0 self.y = y0 + 1 elif (x0>=0 and x0<height and y0+1>=0 and y0+1<width and Blocklist[x0][y0+1] == 0) or (self.x_tail == x0 and self.y_tail == y0+1): Blocklist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail] = 0 Labellist[self.x_tail][self.y_tail].config(bg = 'black', relief = tk.FLAT) Blocklist[x0][y0+1] = 1 Labellist[x0][y0+1].config(bg = 'green', relief = tk.RAISED) Labellist[x0][y0].config(bg = 'white', relief = tk.RAISED) del Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1] Snakelist.insert(0,(x0,y0 + 1)) self.x = x0 self.y = y0 + 1 self.x_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][0] self.y_tail = Snakelist[self.snakelen - 1][1] else: tk.messagebox.showinfo(title = 'snake', message = 'game over!!!') self.overflag = 1 self.after(self.time,self.Onetime) def Start_Stop(): app.Istart = 1 - app.Istart def Restart(): app.Restart(0) #主菜单 mainmenu = tk.Menu(window) window['menu'] = mainmenu #二级菜单:game gamemenu=tk.Menu(mainmenu) mainmenu.add_cascade(label='游戏',menu=gamemenu) gamemenu.add_command(label = '开始/暂停',command=Start_Stop) gamemenu.add_command(label = '重置',command=Restart) gamemenu.add_command(label = '退出',command=window.quit) app = App(window) window.mainloop()
JavaScript经典游戏 玩不停