
(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/12/29 浏览:2)




BIOS中有很多参数可以设置硬盘的工作状态。If it is not set properly, the hard disk will be affected.At present, IDE support logic parameter type, the hard disk can be used Nomal, LBA, ldquo; Large;, if the data in the general installation mode, and replaced the other models in BIOS, will be hard to read and write errors, now computer BIOS support ldquo IDE; Auto Detect; function and can automatically detect the hard disk type, if you cannot access the hard disk, can be set to ldquo in BIOS, the hard disk option; Auto; system, automatically find the hard disk and can normally access.


在去年的5月23日,借助Intel Bridge Technology以及Intel Celadon两项技术的驱动,Intel为PC用户带来了Android On Windows(AOW)平台,并携手国内软件公司腾讯共同推出了腾讯应用宝电脑版,将Windows与安卓两大生态进行了融合,PC的使用体验随即被带入到了一个全新的阶段。